Dr. Reza Moharrami

Senior Project Engineer

Los Angeles, CA

Featured Projects

Dr. Moharrami brings over a decade of professional excellence to project teams. His distinguished career encompasses a wide spectrum of achievements from optimizing structures for space exploration to ensuring the seismic safety of critical installations such as nuclear facilities. His core expertise is the development of advanced simulation techniques which are tailored for the analysis of highly nonlinear structures, especially under the demanding conditions posed by earthquakes. Dr. Moharrami's focus extends to the specialized analysis and evaluation of existing buildings and structures, forensic evaluation, retrofit design, damage assessment, and failure analysis. 


- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering), Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University (VT), Blacksburg, VA, 2016


- Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering), University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (UMASSD), North Dartmouth, MA, 2013


- Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Maritime Structures), Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran, 2009


- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran, 2005

Featured Projects

- Potrero Yards Modernization, San Francisco


- Professional Civil Engineer, California, License number: C 95159, Issue date: 05/19/2023


- Professional Structural Engineer, Idaho, License number: 19203, Issue date: 02/19/2020


- Professional Structural Engineer, Massachusetts, License number: 55404, Issue date: 12/18/2019


- American Concrete Institute (ACI) 


- American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 


- Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI) 


- Structural Engineering Institute (SEI) 


- Zarghamee, M, Moharrami, M. (2018) “Numerical Simulation of three-edge bearing test of prestressed concrete pipes.” ACI Convention, Las Vegas, NV.


- Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I. (2018) “Computational simulation of RC structures under earthquake loads: State of the Art and modeling guidelines.” ACI Convention, Las Vegas, NV.


- Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I. (2018) “Finite element analysis of RC structures under seismic loads.” Engineering Mechanic Institute Conference, EMI 2018, Cambridge, MA.


- Moharrami, M., and Koutromanos, I. (2016). “Analysis of damage and failure of RC structural components using three-dimensional finite element models.” ACI Spring 2016 Convention, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


- Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I., and Panagiotou, M. (2015). “Analysis of shear-dominated reinforced concrete columns and masonry walls using nonlinear truss models.” In Proceeding of Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (EMI 2015), Stanford, California.


Journals Papers:


- El-Helou, R. G., Koutromanos, I., Moen, C. D., Moharrami, M. (2020). “A triaxial constitutive law for ultra-high-performance concrete and other fiber reinforced cementitious materials.” ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 146 (7).


- Girgin, S. C., Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I. (2018). “Nonlinear beam-based modeling of RC columns including the effect of reinforcing bar buckling and rupture.” Earthquake Spectra, 34 (3): 1289-1309.


- Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I. (2017). “Finite element analysis of damage and failure of reinforced concrete members under earthquake loading.” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamic; 46 (15): 2811-2829. https://doi.org/10.1002/eqe.2932.


- Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I. (2016). “Triaxial constitutive model for concrete under cyclic loading.” Journal of Structural Engineering, 04016039:1-15.


- Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I., and Williams, S. A. (2015). “Analysis of shear-dominated reinforced masonry walls using truss models.” The Masonry Society Journal, 33 (1): 27-48.


- Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I., Panagiotou, M., and Girgin, S. C. (2014). “Analysis of shear‐dominated RC columns using the nonlinear truss analogy.” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 44(5): 677-694.


- Moharrami, M., and Tootkaboni, M. (2014). “Reducing response of offshore platforms to wave loads using hydrodynamic buoyant mass dampers.” Engineering Structures, 81: 162-174.


- Moharrami, M., Louhghalam, A., and Tootkaboni, M. (2014). “Optimal folding of cold-formed steel cross-sections under compression.” Thin-Walled Structures, 76: 145-156.


- Shafieefar, M., Aghakouchak, A. A., Moharrami, M. (2014). “Mass damper and buoyancy functioning of a submerged tank on the response of fixed offshore platforms.” Modares Civil Engineering Journal, 14(20): 65-79.


- Moharrami, M., Shafieefar, M., and Aghakouchak, A. A. (2011). “Performance of an oscillating submerged tank in response reduction of fixed offshore platforms.” International Journal of Maritime Technology, 6(12): 57-72.


Conference Papers:


- Zarghamee, M. S., Moharrami, M., Jalber, C., Gehrig, J. (2019) “A Study of Life Extension of Two Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipelines.” ASCE Pipeline 2019, Nashville, TN, 21-24 July 2019.


- Zarghamee, M. S., Moharrami, M. (2018) “Experimental study and numerical Simulation of three-edge bearing test.” Proceeding of the 2018 Pipeline Conference, Montreal, Canada.


- Xing, C., Koutromanos, I., Leon, R., Moharrami, M. (2018) “Computational simulation of RC beam-to-column connections under earthquake loading.” Proceeding of the 11th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Research Institute, Los Angeles, CA.


- Girgin, S. C., Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I. (2017) “Nonlinear modeling of bar buckling and rupture in RC columns under cyclic loads.” 4th Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment, and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, Zurich, Switzerland.


- Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I. (2017) “Finite Element Analysis of the Damage and Failure of RC Structural Components.” Structures Congress 2017, Denver, Colorado, 522-533.


- Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I., Panagiotou, M., & Girgin, S. C. (2017) “Analysis of shear-dominated RC columns using the nonlinear truss analogy.” 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 16WCEE 2017, Santiago, Chile.


- Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I. (2017) “Triaxial material model for concrete under cyclic loading.” 16th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 16WCEE 2017, Santiago, Chile.


- Girgin, S. C., Koutromanos, I., Panagiotou, M., & Moharrami, M., (2017) “Numerical simulation of reinforced concrete members with reinforcing bar buckling.” 12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, ACE2016, Istanbul, Turkey.


- Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I., and Panagiotou, M. (2015). “Nonlinear truss modeling method for the analysis of shear failures in reinforced concrete and masonry structures.” In Proceeding of 2nd Conference on Improving the Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings and Other Structures, ATC-SEI, San Francisco, California, 74-85.


- Moharrami, M., Koutromanos, I., and Williams, S. A. (2015). “Analysis of reinforced masonry walls using nonlinear truss models.” In Proceeding of 12th North American Masonry Conference, Denver, Colorado.


- Moharrami, M., Louhghalam, A., and Tootkaboni, M. (2013). “Optimal cross sections for cold-formed steel members under compression.” In Proceedings of 10th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Orlando, Florida.


- Shafieefar, M. and Moharami, M. (2011). “Application of a mobile submersible tank to reduce the response of fixed offshore platforms”. In proceeding of 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE 2011), Rotterdam, Netherlands.


- Moharrami, M., Zargar, E., and Mirzaei, M. (2010). “An Investigation on nonlinear effects of gaps in dolphin structures analysis.” In Proceeding of 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (ASME 2010), Shanghai, China: 695-702.


- Mirzaei, M., Shafieefar, M., and Moharrami, M. (2010). “Hull-mooring coupled dynamic analysis of two side-by-side operating vessels.” In Proceeding of 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (ASME 2010), Shanghai, China: 639-644.


- Moharrami, M., Shafieefar, M., and Aghakouchak, A. A. (2008). “Response Analysis of fixed offshore platform armed with added submerged tanks.” In Proceeding of International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures (ICOPMAS 2008), Tehran, Iran.


Graduate Thesis/Dissertation:


- Moharami, M. and Koutromanos, I. (2016). Development of novel computational simulation tools to capture the hysteretic response and failure of reinforced concrete structures under seismic loads. Ph.D. Dissertation, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

- Moharami, M. and Tootkaboni, M. (2013). Large Deflection: application in time history analysis of jacket type platform and buckling analysis of thin-walled structure. MSc. Thesis, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

- Moharami, M., Shafieefar, M., and Aghakouchak, A. A. (2009). Analysis of fixed offshore platform with added submerged tanks, MSc. Thesis, Tarbiat Modares University.

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